Your contribution matters!
Moroccan Rubyist is an open source project and anyone can contribute. We're aiming to get more people to know about Ruby and Rails, and to help the community of Moroccan Ruby developers become bigger, better and more active. Any open source project is only as good as the community behind it. You can contribute by writing tutorials, suggesting ideas, or simply sharing the Website. No matter what your skill level is, every contribution counts.
Youssef Kababe
Ruby/Rails developer and founder of Moroccan Rubyist.
I spend most of my time wondering what I'm doing in front of a 15 inch laptop screen.
Zakaria Boualaid
I'm not someone yet, but glad to be the first contributor at Moroccan Rubyist, I just love it!
Mustapha Alaouy
Web developer and Ruby/Rails lover, I make stuff and deliver awesomeness. The secret ingredient is to use Tabs with only two spaces.