Your contribution matters!
Moroccan Rubyist is an open source project and anyone can contribute. We're aiming to get more people to know about Ruby and Rails, and to help the community of Moroccan Ruby developers become bigger, better and more active. Any open source project is only as good as the community behind it. You can contribute by writing tutorials, suggesting ideas, or simply sharing the Website. No matter what your skill level is, every contribution counts.
27 Nov 2014 -
Mustapha Alaouy
We will get to know all about Modules in Ruby and how to use them for grouping together methods, classes, and constants.
20 Apr 2014 -
Youssef Kababe
A simple tutorial on how to install multiple Ruby versions using RVM and how to separate your projects' gems using RVM gemsets.
19 Feb 2014 -
Mustapha Alaouy
We will continu with blocks in Ruby, this time with the yield statement, and how it can be used with blocks.
11 Feb 2014 -
Youssef Kababe
This tutorial will guide you through different ways to use Loops and Iterators in order to automate repetitive tasks in Ruby.
10 Feb 2014 -
Mustapha Alaouy
We will be going over blocks in Ruby, blocks are one of Ruby's must powerful features, In this tutorial we're going to learn how to create and work with blocks.
22 Jan 2014 -
Zakaria Boualaid
In this tutorial we will understand how to work with classes and methods in Ruby, and dig into object-oriented programming.
21 Jan 2014 -
Youssef Kababe
Regular Expressions give you more power when manipulating text and strings. This tutorial is an introduction to the basics of using Regular Expressions in Ruby.
15 Jan 2014 -
Youssef Kababe
In this tutorial I will introduce you the fundamentals of working with basic control structures in Ruby.
11 Jan 2014 -
Youssef Kababe
Basic data structures tutorial explaining how to use Arrays, Hashes, and some of their useful methods to store and retrieve different types of data.
08 Jan 2014 -
Youssef Kababe
A simple introduction to Ruby programming language where I explain some very basic usage examples of Ruby's variables and strings.